Update notice of KPP software(Ver1.6.4.3)

Sep. 5, 2019
Dear custmors
We released Ver1.6.4.3
<Update details>
We made revision for KPP due to ERROR mentioned below.
– In case of entering character string by the data view on windows 10 (64 bit), garbage appears at the end when you open the saved project file.
-Error occur in the system configuration of SJ-12 **(KOSTAC SJ-ETHER series CPU).
– CC-Link description on Help page become  Help of Modbus/TCP.
-In case of inputting name of 8 bytes or more in Japanese and writing in PLC, the program terminates abnormally.
-In case of changing the Windows screen size to 150% display, gateway mode button is not displayed.
Please update the KPP tool.▼Updated file▼
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KPP(KoyoPLCProgrammingSoftware) tool